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Is Love Blind ?

I was there on window seat,
I prayed, I wished, the seat next to me
May be occupied by a girl, a beautiful one
Sometimes God is too pleased with you,
You get more than what you ask for,
I realized this when a great beauty entered the bus,
My wish, my prayer picked their peak with multiple pleases to God
God was kind, he heard me,
And there she was just beside me.
You can’t ask for anything more, it is crime.

Honey dipped lips, dazzling face with locks like running water
Oh dear just look at her eyes,
I am lost, Can I believe it?
Is she sitting with me?
Why so, thanks God you are so merciful.
My heart pounced; it had got more than enough,
You can’t ask for anything more, it is crime.
Really I mean it when I say it.

For two hours, it was tour of heaven,
I wished I could ask her name and could tell her mine,
My heart melted at each attempt
Dear I was lost, totally
Really I mean it when I say it.

The ecstasy casted spell on me,
There was turmoil in my heart,
I wished I could see her smile, but she was gone
I do not know her name nor where she lived,
How can I ever meet her again?
I was desperate, I was restless, I was lost
But why so? I realized I love her!
Yes, really I mean it when I say it.

Love is God and God is love,
He had to help me,
And her bag flashed my mind,
The company name, I could see it,
I could read it, it was there,
Printed in yellow on black base.

I got her and showered her,
With all feeling and emotions which I never dared to,
I was brave enough, I could feel it
And realize it, she was impressed,
Really I mean it when I say it.
She was so happy, totally speechless,
The time was great, every night mobile rang,
It’s bell had been never so sweet
And her voice,
Oh God, I am lost, totally,
I realized that I love her, even more than ever before,
More than myself, more than anything in the world.

One day on phone, I told my wish,
I wish I could see your smile,
She was quiet, serious, very serious,
I could hear her tears flow,
She asked me to make a promise,
I would never leave her,
Yes, yes she is mine,
Thank you God I can’t ask for anything more, it is crime.

Can you believe it, I had a date?
I met her, She was so happy,
I was in the garden that too in the heaven,
Seconds seemed like years, when would she smile?
My heart was melting away,
It flowed like river, jumped and danced like anything,
I touched her hand,
Oh, Could anything be so silky, so soft, so pleasing.
I looked in her eyes; I was lost, totally
I said I love her, more than myself,
More than anything in the world,
Really I mean it when I say it.

And then she gave me a smile,
Oh Dear, mountains rocked into pieces,
Cool breeze morphed to thunder storm,
I couldn’t look at her,
I stood at once, I hate you,
Really I mean it when I say it.

I hate her, but not more than myself
God, you are so unkind so cruel,
How could you do this to me?
And how could you do this to her?
I wished, I had never met her,
And wish to never meet her again,
Oh dear so ugly when she smiled,
Really I mean it when I say it,
Her teeth were rotten, almost clearing away,
And her gums, swollen full with push.

I hate myself, more than anything in world,
I hate myself, because I loved her,
I hate myself because I would never love anybody again
I hate myself, more because I broke her heart,
And even more because she would never smile again.

Love lies in the eyes of the perceiver,
It lies there in the heart,
And it is pure, more than anything in the world
Really I mean it when I say it.
God Please punish me,
I never really meant it when I said it,
And I promise I would never say again that
Really I mean it when I say it.

Nishikant Tiwari


  1. I just wanted to let you know that I sponsor a poetry contest with a $10,000 first place prize every month. I thought your poem would be a good candidate. Just click my name for the site. Keep on writing...

  2. wow! what a wonderful poem. keep writing...awesome.


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